----------wh930621.zip 06-21a.txt President's Remarks at Photo Op w/ White House Fellows 06-21b.txt President Names Ambassadors to Iceland and Uraguay 06-21c.txt Vice President to Visit Philly for Reinventing Government Cnf ----------wh930620.zip 06-20a.txt President's REmarks to CARTI Kids 6.17.93 06-20b.txt Space Station Information 6.17.93 06-20c.txt Background Briefing on Space Station Plans 6.17.93 06-20d.txt The President's Press Conference 6.17.93 ----------wh930617.zip 06-17a.txt Public Schedule for 6.17.93 06-17b.txt Statement on Campaign Finance Reform -- 6.16.93 ----------wh930616.zip 06-16a.txt President's Press Conference 6.15.93 06-16b.txt Background Briefing on Judge Ginsburg Selection 06-16c.txt Hillary Clinton's Address to the AMA 6.13.93 06-16d.txt President's Remarks to College Democrats 6.15.93 06-16e.txt Garten Named to International Trade Post 6.15.93 06-16f.txt Public Schedule for 6.16.93 06-16g.txt President's Remarks at Photo Op with Pres. Nujoma 6.16.93 06-16h.txt President's Remarks After Departure of President Nujoma 06-16i.txt Remarks by the President at CEO Lunch 6.16.93 06-16j.txt President's Remarks on National Service 6.16.93 ----------wh930615.zip 06-15a.txt President's Remarks at Signing of Sustainable Development... 06-15b.txt Background Information on Sustainable Development Council 06-15c.txt Council on Sustainable Development 06-15d.txt President's Remarks in Q&A 06-15e.txt Ginsburg to Visit Hill This PM 6.15.93 06-15f.txt President Names Ambassador to Italy 6.15.93 06-15g.txt Statement on Radio Free Europe 6.15.93 06-15h.txt President's Remarks at Photo Op with PM of France 6.15.93 ----------wh930614.zip 06-14a.txt President's Radio Address 6.12.93 06-14b.txt Middle East Arms Notification 6.14.93 06-14c.txt Korean Visit Statement 6.14.93 06-14d.txt Flag Day Proclamation 6.14.93 06-14e.txt Public Schedule for June 14, 1993 ----------wh930613.zip 06-13a.txt Public Schedule for Friday, June 11, 1993 06-13b.txt President's Remarks at NIH BIll Signing 6.10.93 06-13c.txt Statement by President at Bill Signing: Cooperative Prod. 06-13d.txt Space Station Advisory Committee Delivers Report 6.11.93 06-13e.txt President's Remarks on Nomination of Mondale 6.11.93 06-13f.txt Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 6.11.93